Mars Star


Esther Smith

I gaze out my window

Looking up high

at all the lovely lights

there in the sky

As I gaze up

into this amzing


I see connecting Pictures

The big dipper

The Kite

The little dipper

Oh how many amazing surprises

are all up there

I just


My imagination

To picture

This different world

I wish to come and visit.


I see a new light

A bright untwinkling star

Staring back at me

It's as bright as redish gold

Just sitting up there


It's red beems of light

Back down at me

I stare with wonder

And excitment starts rising

At this beautiful light

"It's not venus"

I said

Knowing I was right

Then it hit me

It's Mars!

I grab my telescope

as fast as I can

I gaze through it

Up at this reddish star

Oh what do you think I saw?

What could it pick up

Just a reddish Gold star

Or A planet

in a galaxy

I look through my telescope..........

My PoetryMy Corner